Social Media Marketing – An easy to use Planning Tool

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Simplify your Social Media Marketing with our easy to use planning tool.

 Today we want to share with you the planning tool that we use for all our Social Media marketing.

It’s a great resource and is designed to help you efficiently use your content use across multiple social platforms.

This is free to subscribers, so feel free to download this now

Let’s walk through this together so you can see how the tool works so you can start using it right away.

Tab #1 Content Starters

This is where you will list your Content Ideas.

To help you get started on this think about the questions you are asked most by your clients – FAQ – as a great place to start thinking about how you can create useful and relevant content.

Tab # 2 Keywords

Keywords are the ever-important tool to use to make sure you are found in search.

Use this tab to make a note of important keywords from your research so you can refer back to this tab as you build out your material.

Recording within the planning tool will allow you to start or build out your SEO strategy.

Tab #3 Content Pool

The next tab is what we call the content pool.

This section will help you work on the concept of using Content Idea to create multiple posts.

From your list in Tab #1, you will create a main long-form article which can then be broken down into multiple posts for use across multiple platforms.

 For example, from a core subject, you will write a full article which can then be made into multiple Facebook posts and tweets as well as a video.

 It will help you think through how you can work smarter with your content and organise it in a logical way across multiple platforms.

This will save you a huge amount of time but will also build a well-integrated flow to your content that can all lead back into a conversion page.

Tab #4 Post Schedule

The post schedule tab helps you plan your release schedule and organize your posts by week across multiple platforms. It also includes engagement tasks to remind you to interact with your audience.

 As you can see an organised plan helps make a complicated task easier to manage and much less daunting.

We especially like the use of the core topic approach from which you create multiple posts and touchpoints with your audience from a single concept.

Now it’s your turn.

Subscribe and access our Free  Social Media Marketing Planning Tool to start building for greater success.