The 7 Questions to Ask When Collecting Customer Testimonials

Marketing Resources, Resources

Collecting Customer Testimonials 

Storytelling is a powerful communication tool, which means that collecting stories and telling the story of your brand needs to be an ongoing process.

 One of the best ways to grow your business story beyond the core content you have developed is by adding new compelling content from the perspective of your customers and your employees.  

 There is no question that using testimonial quotes in your business story is one of the most powerful ways to build trust. These stories often go beneath the superficial surface and are spoken from the heart about the impact your business has had on their lives.

This means that you need to make sure you gather the right material for high-quality testimonials.

Employees will add authentic brand experiences and often connect and have stories from your customers that might otherwise be lost if you don’t have a process and plan to capture them.

However, collecting these stories won’t happen on its own – you need to have a plan in place to collect them.

 Using our question + answer + edit approach is always the easiest path and creates a very workable structure in which you can grow and build out your content.

7 questions that will lead to high-quality Customer Testimonials

  1. What problem did we solve for you?
  2. How have you benefited from using our product/service?
  3. What do you like most about our product/service?
  4. If you were to recommend our product/service to your best friend, what would you say?
  5. What helped you decide to work with us?
  6. What are three benefits you’ve experienced as a result of our product/service?
  7. What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about our product/service?


  • Sell your story, not your product
  • Have a plan to collect stories and review them often
  • As your business grows your story will change – let it develop, mature, and evolve over time
  • As your business expands and you launch new products this will provide an opportunity to tell a story about something new
  • Have a plan to collect data and interesting facts that you can weave into a business story
  • If you are writing a case study, paper, or report – include a personal angle from the clients or employees view
  • Share “behind the scenes” stories
  • Always collect more stories – make it a habit